Sour Cream Apple Pie

My husband, my daughter and I live in Upstate NY and so one of the things we look forward to each fall is apple picking season. There are many apple farms near us and before our little B was born, we would eat at Green Brothers Apple Hills Farm every weekend. They have U-Pick areas for apples, but also blueberries and raspberries. Now that B is almost two years old, we were excited to take her apple picking.

B had a great time and really got into eating the apple fresh off the tree. She of course wanted to pick up the apples off the ground, seeing as how she’s too short to grab apples herself.

With a lift from Papa, she tried to pull apples off the tree, and even that proved challenging.

All in all, we had a great time and B nawed on her apple the whole way home.

I now had to decide what to do with the apples. I have three different recipes for apple pie alone, so I wasn’t sure which one to use.

I decided on the Sour Cream Apple Pie recipe because it contained everything I already had in the house and I wouldn’t have to buy anything extra.

Sometimes I like to make homemade pie crust, and when I do – I use a super easy recipe from Martha Stewart.

But I was a bit tired, and peeling/slicing the apples was going to take some time – so I went with the easy pie crusts.

Make sure to let your pie crusts sit out for a while if they were frozen so they are ready to roll when it’s time.

I have a ceramic pie dish that I always use and I love. It’s deep and the crinkles on the side help me to make the crinkles on the crust.

I got everything together and then started to core, peel and slice the apples.

I want to mention here that Eggland’s Best Eggs now has Breast Cancer Awareness eggs available for purchase, and I highly encourage you to think about purchasing them this month.

I mixed the sauce together, and then coated the apple slices with it. Then just tossed all of it in the pie crust and covered it with the other pie crust…and since it was made with love…I added the heart cut out.

So I cooked my pie, but before I could take a picture of the final project I had to go into work. When I got home, this is what I saw:

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