Pinterest Recipe Rejects

I’ve been finding a ton of yummy looking food through I’ve had some winners already and some losers. I thought I’d sum up the losers first, and of course what I didn’t like about them.

Today I made the White Cheddar Chicken Pasta from “homemade by holman”. I’m not going to link these rejects recipes, because first off – you could probably find them easily – probably pinned it yourself AND I don’t want to embarrass anyone ’cause this is my opinion only. Plenty of folks wrote back that they found this tasty. I thought overall it was bland and gross. The chicken was tasty, but not anything I couldn’t have come up with on my own. The roux that makes the mac-n-cheese type sauce isn’t as a good as others that I’ve made. Less cheese flavor, less kick…just bland with a slight onion flavor. It calls for Dijon mustard, but all that flavor was cooked away. This dish also took about an hour to prepare and considering the lack luster ending – I was disappointed I spent that much time on something that wasn’t very interesting. Let me finish by saying my little one ate the pasta (no chicken etc.) just fine and my husband liked it just fine. But they are easy when it comes to pasta and sauce.

Snickerdoodle Muffins from eat me, delicious. Most of the responses to that post were sympathy related ’cause the lady fell down the stairs or something. Most said that they looked great. They did! But when I made these – the tops cracked and crusted. They stuck to the pan when I’ve never had that problem before due to the cinnamon and sugar dunk, and they last one day before they went completely hard. I’m not the best at trouble shooting when it comes to baking, but I don’t forsee me making a bunch of batches just to figure it out. They don’t last long enough.

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