Bentos and Lunch in General

I have not been able to make my own lunch in weeks. Its been very busy at work and usually I get a big breakfast and then find something for lunch later in the day. April is the busiest time of the year (with October a close second) in the life of an activities person at a university. Hiring new staff for the Fall, Spring Fling events, end of year events…you name it – someone is trying to program it.

Today I did bring a lunch – a shishkabob (Lupo’s Speidie kind) from leftover dinner, leftover cake from a party, fruit leather and a cheese stick.

Bento Title: No Groceries.

No Groceries Bento

No Groceries Bento

So I really didn’t have anything in the house I was really jazzed about packing up for lunch tomorrow. We had KFC for dinner due to the fact that I don’t feel well and didn’t want to cook and I wanted some thick mac n cheese. Joe gets to take those leftovers for his MAN LUNCH tomorrow.

So what I have here: cheese and crackers, frozen meatballs, a roll to eat the meatballs with, a rice cake and the last of the raspberries. (There’s actually two more small containers of them, but they all went bad. No more 3 for $5 raspberries from Giant anymore).