Bento Title: No Groceries.

No Groceries Bento

No Groceries Bento

So I really didn’t have anything in the house I was really jazzed about packing up for lunch tomorrow. We had KFC for dinner due to the fact that I don’t feel well and didn’t want to cook and I wanted some thick mac n cheese. Joe gets to take those leftovers for his MAN LUNCH tomorrow.

So what I have here: cheese and crackers, frozen meatballs, a roll to eat the meatballs with, a rice cake and the last of the raspberries. (There’s actually two more small containers of them, but they all went bad. No more 3 for $5 raspberries from Giant anymore).

New feel. New look. New Bento Box.

First Bento with New Bento Box

First Bento with New Bento Box

Close Up of Top Portion

Close Up of Top Portion

Bottom Portion of my Bento.

Bottom Portion of my Bento.

All ready to be packed up!

All ready to be packed up!

So I was excited to get my new Bento Box in the mail today. I was dying for some Kimchee Fried Rice, so I made a bunch for dinner and immediately packed the leftovers for lunch. I had my Bento done by 6pm! I had fun adding in the new food dividers (much smaller than I had imagined…a little disappointed).

When I first took the Bento Box out of the box, I was like, “Seriously? This thing is tiny!” But I reserved my true judgement until I saw what it could hold. It did pretty well, but I think when I have larger food items (mini-cheeseburgers, quesadillas etc.) I’ll have to go back to the Aladdin version.